Drag is a visually very attractive artistic expression for me. An art form that I try to get to know and understand, because apart from this visual aspect, drag means more.
For me drag has something of the theater, something of an illusion. It is a constant change, telling stories, giving joy. It is also a committed attitude and declaration in relation to the surrounding reality and the reality in Poland is not favorable to queer people.
I feel that drag is so well known to all of us desire to create and at the same time need to discover. It is a constant attempt at transformation in search of the true self.

Shady Lady


Shady Lady

Misia Joachim
Misia Joachim
Misia Joachim

Kiki Surprise

Shady Lady



Lagoona Aqua Pussy

Lagoona Aqua Pussy
Misia Joachim

Lulla La Polaca is the oldest Polish Drag Queen. She is 85 years old.